Cultivating the life of your dreams doesn't happen by chance. 

It starts with reflecting on where you've been and where you want to go. 

Perhaps this feels especially tricky because you feel overwhelmed by lots of possibilities, see many different potential futures, and generally want to do A LOT of things. 

I created this Goal Guide, a series of vision planning & strategic reflection activities for multi-potentialites (that's you and me) to begin using the power of discernment, self-awareness, and envisioning to live more on purpose. Not to follow the opinions of or comparison to others, but to define progress for ourselves.

So whether you are ready for the fresh start of a new year, quarter, or day, any time is a good time to pause, reflect on the wisdom you carry, and use it to propel you into the most purposeful season of life yet.

- Tracy Clark - 

Get The Building Thinkers Goal Guide

Vision planning & strategic reflection activities for MULTI-POTENTIALITES

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